Friday, December 7, 2007

Flashback 2 - The Pregnancy

I gave mummy an overall easy and enjoyable pregnancy. She did not suffer from morning sickness at all, and she was always eating! She couldn’t say no to food or wait until she was hungry because that would be too late, and would make her nauseous. I did not crave for anything special so mummy just ate the usual stuff while daddy went “phew!” (for being spared the “torture” of going out searching for weird stuff at 3am).

Every month, mummy and daddy would come and visit me through this little window in a hospital. Sometimes I would wave at them. Sometimes I would turn away.

Towards the end of the 3rd month, mummy realized her clothes we getting tighter and she could no longer fit into them comfortably. It was after she put on her new line of mama-fashion that she started to feel pregnant.

At around the 4th month, daddy and mummy went for a cruise on Superstar Gemini. While it was their last honeymoon before becoming parents, it was my very first holiday! With 18 consecutive buffet meals in 6 days, that was the biggest and most enjoyable feast mummy and I have ever had.

Some time around the 5th month, mummy asked the doctor about my gender and she was very happy to know that I am a girl. On the very same day, immediately after her pre-natal check-up, she went shopping and bought some cute, girly clothing for me.

For the whole of the 6th month, daddy was away for training in the US. Mummy had to stay back because of me. It was a long and unhappy month for her as she couldn't help missing and pining for daddy. But he came back with lots of stuff for me!

At about 7 months into her pregnancy, mummy developed a super-nasty rash. It made her itch all over her arms, hands, legs and feet. Poor mummy could neither sleep nor sit still. She was prescribed various kinds of creams but nothing helped. And she looked so hideous that she couldn’t step out of home. As a result, mummy had to ponteng work again… Luckily she was leniently given MC throughout this agonizing period, which lasted until almost delivery.

Towards the final month, mummy was on an ice-cream binge. Almost every night, I feasted on Baskin Robbins and Haagen-Dazs along with mummy and I guess this was the main culprit that contributed to my baby-Sumo stature at birth.

Throughout the whole pregnancy, I squirmed and wriggled a lot. I also did acrobatic movements after every meal and hiccup-ed occasionally. I loved “dancing" to music, especially to lively classical music. Mummy would put a head-phone over her tummy to let me listen to Mozart, Bach, Haydn, Paganini and Vivaldi everyday at the office. Sometimes, I would respond to daddy’s voice too. In short, I really made my presence felt.... and created a great masterpiece (stretchmarks) on her belly.


  1. Eh? Can consume ice-creams during pregnancy? I didn't know that wor.. my sister also suffered the rashes during her first pregnancy. Can understand how much your mommy went thru also so you better be good oh, Chloe!

  2. Can eat ma, who said cannot? But not too much or baby will become big and chubby lor...

  3. hi chloe..i came across this particular entry on your blog while googling for pregnancy, i'm 21 weeks pregnant and i've started to develop really nasty & itchy rashes on my arm...did yours went away in the end?...what did you put on them?..:-(

  4. hi mrs fahmi, i have no way of contacting you. if you'd like to know more about the rashes, do email me at Hope to hear from u :-)
