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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Turning into a Spoilt Brat...

I've been spending the last 2.5 weeks at Mah-Mah's house. I just love staying here because I always get what I want and I'm allowed to do anything that I please. I can easily get away with the naughty things that I've done without being scolded or punished. Mah-mah and Yeh-yeh are so different! With just a loud cry... everything is shoved to me in an instant! ;-)

Most importantly, I am free from mummy's scrutinizing eyes and fussy prohibitions. Although mummy is not very happy with the new things that I've learned here, she couldn't resist snapping photos of my new stunt:

Mah-mah even proudly said that I could climb right up to the top! Mummy should be proud of me too but instead, I saw her frowning at a corner...


  1. Wah she can climb so high. Good Chloe the Climber :)

  2. can climb till the top now, same like wyson woh..and the speed very fast vicky, ur chloe can climb this high or not???hahaha

  3. i am lucky our house got no "grill" if not sure my monkey all over it. we went to friends house and got staircase and she went up and down, lucky our house got no staircase

  4. Are you aunties encouraging me or what? Mummy says NO leh!

  5. Chloe are very brave. Want to climb Mount Everest when you grow up? :p

  6. Hi Chloe's mummy, I read one of your other post..about some illness.. r u ok? if you need to talk, feel free to email me ya.. my eddy is U will be well...:)

  7. nvm Chloe...Koo-Koo used to to that too. You don't grow up till you did that ahahaha


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