Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 9, 2009


I had my first kite-flying experience today. Gung-gung made a kite for me. Eager to try it out, we went to City Park in Seremban 2 in the hot-hot sun to do so.

This is the kite that gung-gung made

However, due to some "technical problems", the kite couldn't glide smoothly in the strong winds so gung-gung had to make some minor adjustments there...

Gung-gung, are you done yet?

While waiting, we were attracted by the colourful kites sold there. Mummy felt very tempted to buy one for me...

... and she did!

That's our rainbow kite soaring gracefully in the clear blue sky

There were many other kite-flyers there too. Our kite nearly got entangled with another one nearby.

As usual, a trip to the park is never complete without a stop at the playground. As we were leaving, daddy asked...

Daddy: Which is nicer? Flying the kite or playground?

Heh heh heh!


  1. kite flying seem to be the in thing nowadays hor..

  2. Chloe, the kite that your Gung-Gung made look very nice. Can take a picture of it and post it up ma? Curious =)

  3. In thing meh? But it's a very old and traditional game wor...

    :-) Thanks. My gung-gung will be very happy to hear it. Can see the design on the 2nd pic ma...

  4. hehe... playground nicer lo, can sit sit and slide slide :)


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