Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Can't Wait To Be 3 and Beyond...

This morning, I asked mummy the same question again "Is it my birthday today?" I must be really looking forward to that day. However, I didn't mention about the Little Einstein cake anymore. Instead, I told her "I want that chocolate cake with Milo on top". Mummy went "huh?" again. Since when did we eat such a cake??

After that, this conversation ensued:

Mummy: How old are you?
Me: 4?
Mummy: No.
Me: *Thinking* I dunno...
Mummy: You are 3 years old. Told you so many times already, why can't you remember?
Me: 3 years old again?? Why?
Mummy: ..................



  1. 3 years old again? Sigh.. faster lah turn 4.. then can happily answer 4 next time.. hahaha..

  2. Err... actually I'm not even 3 yet so it will be quite some time before I can say another number hahaha...

  3. haha dear Chloe please be patience your bday fall on next month :)

  4. Well... maybe when you're much older, you'd wish that you were 3 "again"? :o) ha ha ha... But at your age, what you said was very "deep"-lah... :o)

  5. she is Little Eistein's fan? My boy too.

  6. Clever girl !
    My boy still won't answer how old is he.

  7. Haha~ Next year u'll be 4 yrs old..


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