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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Lollipop Cake

I almost never demand or ask for things during our shopping trips or outings. Even when I do, it's usually quite rare. Very often, it is my kiddy mummy who gets attracted to cute stuffs and she will automatically buy them for me without asking if I like them.

This is what she bought for me at the pasar malam today... cute little cartoon character cakes on sticks.

I call it the "lollipop cake". Yum-yum!

My favourite is the Hello Kitty...


  1. cute. I can't resist cute and girly stuff myself too..hehe.

  2. Cute biscuit, never seen them at my pasar malam. Which pasar malam did you buy them from?

  3. Health freak mommy, bought it from the Sunday pasar malam in Tmn Megah, PJ.


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