We finally caught the latest sequel of our favourite movie Toy Story today. Kau-foo gave us a movie treat at the MBO Cinemas in Terminal 2, Seremban.
Finally... we're going to watch Toy Story 3!
Overall, it was a very pleasant cinema. However, the service at the snack counter was a big letdown. We bought tickets for the 12:15pm matinee and when we proceeded to the snack counter to get some popcorn, we were told "Sorry ar, popcorn belum siap". I was so disappointed, I stomped into the movie hall with a charcoal-black face.
After settling down comfortably in my seat, I must have forgotten all about the popcorn. I was back to my cheerful self :)

Yay! Couldn't wait for the show to start
Yay! Couldn't wait for the show to start
I enjoyed the movie very much! I laughed at some of the funny scenes and even talked during the show. When the movie ended, I told daddy the movie was not nice because the cinema was too cold haha.
On our way out, we walked past the snack counters again. Immediately, I dropped hints and told mummy "I want to eat something crunchy". Indirectly, I was asking for the popcorn. Mummy told Kau-foo to get me a small box. However, this time he was told "Popcorn habis". Apa lah!!
Anyway, a big thank you to Kau-foo again for the very entertaining movie! We loved it very, very, very much :)