I am starting to appreciate Bear and Minnie's presence now. They are my favourite playmates. I like to feed them and mummy likes to see the expression on my face.
I am starting to appreciate Bear and Minnie's presence now. They are my favourite playmates. I like to feed them and mummy likes to see the expression on my face.
L-R: Wyson, me, Ashley
We planned to leave after lunch so that I could have my afternoon nap at home but I was so tired, I fell asleep in the LRT all the way home...Later, I spent the whole evening and night at Mah-Mah's house because daddy and mummy "dumped" me there while they went out for a quiet dinner without me.
Playing at the mini "playground"
Tada... a giraffe.
Thank you, Jeremy & Koo Ma. I love it very much. I will also take good care of it and keep it nicely after playing with it.
I liked to "swim" on the floor and flap my hands like this:
A broken toy truck... this is a flimsy free gift so easy job nia.
I love balloons but I just have to do this. This balloon stick is lucky because it's quite elastic. The more brittle ones will end up in several separated pieces. Poor sticks.
My "ganas" look... GRRRRRRROWL!
We played together...
And posed for a photo together...
What a pity, nobody wants to play with me...
I was also showered with lots of ang paus. I had to "perform" the gong-xi, gong-xi action before each ang pau was given to me. Now I know why mummy taught me this action a few days ealier. However, I only gong-xi, gong-xi the people whom I know. Unfamiliar faces were short-changed with just blank stares.
At 13 months: This is my favourite - the maze of the dining table and chairs.