Thursday, August 30, 2007
Independence Day
Saturday, August 25, 2007
I love to go gai-gai at the park but hate to fall asleep there because I'd surely miss all the fun and excitement. So mummy, please make sure I've taken my nap before you bring me there again, ok.
I am a girl
Out of 10 strangers we meet who are friendly enough to say hello to me, 9 of them would think I’m a boy.
Scene 1: At the poolside
Auntie: Hello baby. Goochi-goochi-goo… boy ar?
Mummy: No, girl.
Auntie: Oh ya hor… I didn’t notice her pink dress.
Scene 2: In the lift
Elderly Uncle: Hallo boy! Boy-boy ar! It’s a boy, right?
Mummy: (Smiling) Girl lah…
Elderly Uncle: Hah? Girl ah? Looks like a boy leh.
Scene 3: In the lift (again)
An elderly auntie with a little baby enter after us.
Auntie: (Directing the little baby to look at me) Look... Kor-kor. Hello kor-kor. Kor-kor, right?
Mummy: (Smiling again) Jie-jie lah…
Auntie: Hah?! (Looking obviously shocked) Jie-jie ar? I thought he’s a kor-kor. She looks so much like a kor-kor (still looking surprised and in disbelief).
Mummy, do I really look like a boy? Or are strangers just being strange?
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
My new toys
My first convertible - The Stride-To-Ride Walker.
My Birthday Party
I got 2 red eggs from Mah Mah.
Monday, August 13, 2007
I am 1 today!
After that, we went to AmBank where daddy and mummy opened a Junior Savings account for me to keep all my angpau $$$$$$$. The AmBank jie-jie gave me a camel coin box.
I had a really exciting day today going from place to place and playing with my new toys. I hardly took any nap the whole day. Therefore, I went to bed exceptionally early at 7:30pm.
To Mah Mah, Yeh Yeh, Koo Ma(s), Koo Koo, Ah Ma, Gung gung, Yee Ma, Kau Foo, Yee Por, daddy and mummy... thank you very much for the angpau and presents! I love you.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Naughty, Naughty!
Later, while mummy was preparing my lunch in the kitchen, I entertained myself by playing "push-push chair" until I accidentally made a loud crashing sound that sent mummy out to end my game. Uh oh...
When mummy returned to the kitchen, I made sure I was extra careful and quiet this time. Too bad... that didn't work either. Mummy ALWAYS knew I was up to no good whenever I was unusually quiet.
"Mummy, let me help you with the laundry. Chuck this on the floor, throw this over there, toss this aside..." There... done!
Monday, August 6, 2007
Weekend Getaway
Can you guess where did we go?
Peek-a-boo. Who are you? I really enjoyed playing with the kid in the mirror.
I also felt very excited to see a baby cot in the hotel room. "I wanna get in, I wanna get in!" But when daddy put me in, I wanted to get out instead. That night, I slept in a cot for the very first time.