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Showing posts with label Baby Talk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baby Talk. Show all posts

Friday, September 21, 2007

Baby Talk Part 2

There still isn't much improvement where my speech development is concerned. I'm not interested at all to repeat what mummy tells me to. Occasionally, I do try to please her and make up something that makes her excited.

Mummy: Say daddy.
Me: Dah-deh
Mummy: Dad-dy
Me: Daah-dee
Mummy: Hee hee hee... (she thinks I got it)

Mummy: Say fish
Me: sshh
Mummy: Fish
Me: ish
Mummy: Fish
Me: isshh
Mummy: Hee hee hee... (she thinks I got it again)

Mummy: Say mummy
Me: Dah
Mummy: Mama
Me: Dah
Mummy: Ma
Me: Dah
Mummy: Dah lah... malas nak ajar engkau...

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

What is NO?

Dearest Mummy,

May I know what exactly does “No” mean? Do you realize that you repeat this word once in every 5 minutes? Why do you always say “No” when I:

- learn to open the car door while daddy is driving?
- stand right in front of the television to watch Barney close-up?
- help you mop the floor with my tongue?
- want a taste of everything you are eating?
- use your mobile phone to practice my throwing skill?
- prefer your flabby thigh or daddy’s arm to a teether?
- quickly hide my fingers in my mouth because you tell me they are dirty?

Why is this word so overused yet I don’t understand what it means? I hope I will find the answer soon so that mummy, you don’t have to say or grumble or yell “NO!” to me anymore.


Your confused little girl

Friday, July 13, 2007

Baby Talk

Mummy has been trying really hard to teach me how to talk.

Mummy: Say "mama"
Me: "Ta"
Mummy: "Ma"
Me: "Dah"
Mummy: (haiya) Ok lah, say "ta-ta" (beat-beat)
Me: "Dadadadada"
Mummy: What about "papa"? Say "pa"
Me: "Bababababa"

I think I still need a lot more practice in this.

The Wonderful World of Ruoyi

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