After months (and years) of procrastination, daddy and mummy finally enrolled me for music lessons. My journey in music did not start out smoothly. It all started way back in my young toddler days when mummy tried teaching me the piano. It was a futile attempt that often ended in tears, frustrations and unhappiness. Mummy was impatient and fierce. I was slow and easily distracted. I couldn't follow her instructions and I disliked the way she taught me (wrong approach). After a couple of lessons plus many more re-tries as I grew older, mummy did not see any improvement in me so she gave up teaching me.
In early 2010 (when I was 3y5m), mummy decided that I needed formal music lessons so she brought me to a music centre only to be told to return later because I was too young (for the program of her choice). Later, somewhere in early 2011 (when I was 4y5m), mummy brought me there again. This time, mummy was very disappointed with the customer service of the music centre. Nobody attended to us after a long wait so we left. She tried contacting the person in charged via email but her email was never replied! Mummy was angry and upset.
She then went to inquire about this music program in another branch and was told that I was over-aged. How can I be "over-aged" when I was only 4+ and the music program is for kids aged 4-6? Mummy left feeling baffled this time.
Meanwhile, I began to lose interest in music and whenever mummy suggested music lessons to me, I would say NO and refused to go until very recently (late December) when daddy and mummy decided to "force" me there. They "dragged" me to the music centre again.
Finally, in Jan 2012 (at 5y5m and being one of the oldest in class), I was accepted into the January intake of Yamaha's Junior Music Course (JMC) for Book 1 (just in the nick of time, in their last available slot) and classes began in the first week of this year.
Solfege singing with a group of new friends |
As of today, after attending just 2 lessons, I'm madly
IN LOVE with music now. I could play the first few pieces in the book (I learned them all by myself) even BEFORE attending my first lesson. Now, I can play 70% of the pieces in Book 1. Most of them have not been taught by my music teacher yet. Mummy did not teach me too. I learned everything on my own by listening to the CD and watching the DVD a few times everyday. I love the catchy tunes and I sing and hum to them almost all the time.
Singing and playing the piano is my favourite pastime now |
I practice the pieces on the piano very enthusiastically everyday. Of course, mummy's constant praises and encouragement motivate me too. Mummy regrets not enrolling me earlier. Anyway, it's better late than never, isn't it?