I love playing in my playhouse. I will spend at least a few minutes here every day without fail.
Today, a small accident occured here. Mummy was busy in the kitchen as usual. As I was too preoccupied with my toys, I lost control of my bladder and
shee-shee in it!
(I'm a diaper-free trainee now) It was filled with toys (and of course, my
shee-shee), so mummy had a tedious job of cleaning it up.
This pic was taken a day earlier. Mummy didn't stop grumbling and she was so mad that she threatened to throw my playhouse away. I also heard her complaining to daddy that it is too huge and it's occupying precious space in our tiny home. What? Throw it away? Noooooooooooooooooo!

Mission evacuation... After washing me up, mummy had to wash the alphabet foam mat, soak up some of the wetness on the cardboard base, clear away the unaffected toys, wipe-dry the affected toys and send the rest to the washing machine.

And here are the 3 unlucky and innocent victims... as they were partially drenched, they had to go for a crazy spin in the washing machine and get "hanged".