- Height: 108cm
- Weight: 19kg
- Can write most of the numbers and letters
- Can draw objects with more defined shapes and outlines
- Can perform simple mental calculation of addition and subtraction (within 10)
- The most significant achievement so far has got to be my independence from diapers! I am now COMPLETELY DIAPER-FREE following the successful last leg of potty training. Since 2 months ago, I have been going to bed (overnight) without diapers and there have been only 2 "accidents" so far. Not only that, I've also ditched the potty and the baby toilet-seat a very, very long time ago! Yay!
Just take a look at how many packs of diapers (and RM) I've used since I was a newborn...
This is probably 80% of the total collection where the rest were either used for gift redemption or discarded by mistake (forgot to cut out and keep)
Next to go will be my milk bottle. I'm currently still very attached and "addicted" to my milk bottle.