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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Road Trip to JB - Day 3: UTM & JPO

With the highlight of our trip (to Legoland) all done and over with, Day 3 was just another ordinary day for us to take a slow and relaxing drive home. Along the way, we managed to drop by a few "places of interest".

The day started with a hearty breakfast in a kopitiam just a few shops away from our hotel.

Savouring my favourite... soft-boiled egg with butter-kaya toast

The food here was just mediocre but being simple eaters, we enjoyed it anyway ;)

First stop... Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Skudai. More than two decades ago, daddy graduated from this university after studying here for 4 years.

Walking down memory lane with daddy in his alma matter. While the campus has changed quite a lot, the memories in his heart will always remain unchanged...

Daddy's department... Physics

Next stop... Johor Premium Outlets. None of us were into branded stuff so this was just another "look-see" place that would not see us again as repeat customers. Furthermore, this place wasn't weather-friendly at all. Soon, we found ourselves stranded here for more than an hour due to a heavy downpour. We couldn't get to our car, no thanks to the open-air car park with no covered walkway or shelter :( 

Johor Premium Outlet

We had lunch in the food court here to save time. After that, we travelled in the rain all the way home (which made us super thankful for yesterday's fine, sunny weather!). I slept and snacked on lots of junk food in the car... what better way to enjoy a long and boring journey haha.

Protecting my KitKat ice-cream from "predators"... it's mine, mine, all mine! The ice-cream was a reward for finishing my lunch.

Indulging in junk food in the car *horrors*
Finally, our souvenirs... 

(Mummy is sad to note that we did not manage to shop for any Johor specialties and we came back almost empty-handed except for these few Lego things that cost an arm and a leg)

My "Kopi-O lesen"... mummy paid RM25 for this! (she kinda regret buying this because my photo was not nice. She should have waited and picked a nicer photo because I went to the driving school 3 times and had 3 photos taken... ~sigh~)

A brick separator (no need to use our fingernails or teeth or sharp objects to help separate tightly joined bricks anymore hehe)

Spongebob and Patrick keychains

Overall, the souvenirs in Legoland are very exorbitantly priced. Mummy couldn't find anything worth buying at all. The 2 keychains actually came from a very reluctant purchase, at RM19.95 each!!


  1. At first I thought how come Chloe would visit UTM? Oh, it's daddy's previous study place ;)

    I like those keychains, very cute!

  2. The keychains are very cute,but bit pricey.

  3. Last day driving home trip sounded relax to me. RM19.05 for one keychain, expensive, I would not buy also. Because Aunty Yan can buy tops from Cotton On already.

    1. LOL! You are so right. For RM19.95, I can buy 4 tops (@RM5 each) already!

  4. Cute keychains :). Agreed with the others a bit pricey :)

  5. Those key chains r really cute, but sorry, I wudn't buy them at that price. :p I'm more interested in the brick separator. Cool! Din even know such thing exists. :) Btw, how much is that?

    1. I've never seen this brick separator anywhere else so I guess that's the only thing worth buying. It's RM9.90... still expensive considering the fact that it's only a simple and tiny piece of plastic hehe!

  6. oh boy the souvenirs sure are expensive eventhough they are cute :) i wonder if the goods at JPO are really cheap compared to those at the malls.

    1. I didn't check out the branded goods so I can't tell. They have mid-range brands too like... guess what... COTTON ON hahaha! I bought a RM5 top there... nothing beats shopping online during their free shipping period. I think overall, the prices are comparable to those at the malls during sales, if not more expensive!

  7. We went to JPO and came home empty handed too. Nothing worth buying oso..

  8. haha her Kopi-O lesen is very cute. Wah the key chains are quite pricey. Oh yes I didn't get anything from JPO too, saja go look-see there.


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