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Friday, October 18, 2013

Eating Out 5 - Yunnan Restaurant

It was just one of our casual jalan-jalan cari makan weekends and something in this restaurant attracted us to dine here... 

Also curious to sample some Yunnan cuisine so we thought, why not?

The highlight of this restaurant (to us) has got to be its menu with crappy but amusing English translation :D Some of them were so funny that they had us in stitches. Reading the restaurant menu seemed to be more enjoyable than the actual dining itself haha! Here are just some of them...

Now, here's what we ordered... the food here was quite good, surprisingly (although it might not appear so in these pics)...

Crossing the Bridge Noodle... the soup was very tasty (something like Chinese herbs). Just put everything into the piping hot soup (hot enough to cook the raw egg). Then just mix and eat. Nice :)

Soupy fish slices with black fungus, ginkgo and bamboo shoot served in a bamboo "bowl". 

Greens with mushroom

Fried rice... very fragrant and I loved this!

Some vegetarian saucy noodles... delish!


  1. LOL at those translation! They do it on purpose or....?

    The bamboo thingy looks unique!

  2. Drooolllll.....lucky you. So much good food

  3. LOL...can't understand how they can come up with such funny wordings..pengsan.

    I think the food looks really yummy. :)

  4. LOL LOL!!! So I guess you didn't eat any bacteria or bamboo son, hor?? You could offer to do a English copywrite for them for a FREE MEAL! : )

  5. OMG....all the food looks so scrumptious. Lau Hau sui!!


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