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Friday, February 21, 2014

The Evils of Ngaku Chips

I am not a food person and eating is not the most important thing to me. Even when I'm hungry, I never bother to look for food/snacks. During this year's CNY, while both daddy and mummy over-indulged in food and suffered horrendous 3-day and 7-day diarrhea respectively, I "under-indulged" and ate a lot less than them. Very often, mummy had to shove cookies and other CNY tidbits to me and tell me to "EAT!" Well, she shoved almost everything to me except this...

Ngaku (arrowhead) chips... my favourite! I think this is about the only festive snack that I ate without being told to :p

Last Sunday, the 3 of us munched away half a container of ngaku chips and few handfuls of muruku in one sitting. Mummy should have known better. I am very prone to throat infections whenever I take fried food. The same thing happened in previous years too. After eating chips --> developed sore throat and fever. This year, although mummy did try to balance things out a little by making me eat one whole cucumber before taking the chips, the inevitable still happened. I developed a high fever of 39C+ after coming back from school on Monday evening. Sigh! This persistent fever lasted 3 days and I had to skip 2 days of school :(

No thanks to you... you bad, bad ngaku chips!! 

Ngaku chips and other junkies that we hand-carried all the way back to Shanghai (almost half of these were shared with daddy's colleagues). 

Despite the high fever, I did not see a doctor. Mummy diligently made me cucumber and fruit juice and voila... I got well without any antibiotics (only took some paracetamol to keep the temperature under control). 

Sick... looking all flushed with rosy cheeks :)

P.S. This is the first time I fell sick in winter and it is no joke. I shivered in the cold although I was wrapped up like a mummy and the heater was on. It was difficult for the fever to subside because I couldn't sweat. I hope I won't fall sick in winter again!!!


  1. Heaty leh...

    Funny ..I fry but I don't eat. Lol

    Glad she better now

  2. Good to hear she is better now without taking any antibiotics. I like to eat ngaku chips too but I did not eat any this year.

  3. Pity you, I am prone to have sore throat after fried food but ok with those chips :P Just need to drink more water~


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