I am 6 years old today. Here's something about me at the age of 72 months...
Height: 125cm
Weight: 23kg
Likes: Playing Lego, playing iPad games, eating sushi, pizza, cycling, swimming, playing the piano, going to Ikea
Dislikes: Being scolded by mummy, durian, homework
Positive traits in me: Sweet-natured, no temper & tantrums, quite obedient, cheerful, humourous, easy-going, easy to feed, easy to handle, easy to please :)
My weaknesses: Mischievous (sometimes), stubborn, very slow in getting things done, extremely timid and very clumsy!
Here are some of my photos from birth until now, compiled monthly (and re-posted here every year on this very same day haha!). Watch me grow...
My 1st year... 0-12 months |
My 2nd year... 13-24 months
My 3rd year ... 25-36 months |
My 4th year... 37-48 months |
My 5th year... 49-60 months
My 6th year... 61-72 months |
And finally, here's the Birthday Princess on the eve of her 6th birthday (just before bedtime) |
Just like all the previous years on my birthday, I get a love letter from daddy and mummy...
To Our One and Only Darling Daughter,
Time flies and today is our 6th anniversary of being parents. We want to thank you for coming into our lives... filling our days with tremendous joy and contentment. We love watching you grow and mature, we enjoy nurturing and pampering you, we adore your antics and silliness... the list is endless! Raising you is fun, fulfilling and rewarding, especially when we see you blossoming into a fine young girl. Do continue to be good, obedient and lovable. Wishing you good health and happiness always!
You're our precious, you're our sweetheart, you're our beloved, WE LOVE YOU! Happy 6th birthday, dear!
Loving you forever,
Daddy & Mummy